Instructor of Record:
UTSA PHY 7903/AST 4953: “Special Topics: Galactic Dynamics” (Graduate Course)
also UT Austin AST 381 (co-Instructor Karl Gebhardt): “Gravitational Dynamics”
UTSA PHY 7903/AST 4953: “Special Topics: General Relativistic MHD” (Graduate Course)
UTSA AST 1013: “Introduction to Astronomy” (Undergraduate Course)
UC Berkeley Astron 9D: “Order of Magnitude Physics” (Undergraduate Course)
UC Berkeley Astron 9D: “Relativity of Space and Time in Popular Science” (Undergraduate Course)
Teaching Assistant:
Stanford Ph 216: “Back of the Envelope Physics” (Graduate Course)
Fall 2015
Stanford Ph 16: “Black Holes” (Undergraduate Course)
Spring 2013
Stanford Ph 45: “Light and Heat” (Undergraduate Course)
Fall 2012
Teaching Demo: Atwood Machine Dynamics